

Reiki is a hands-on healing practice that channels energy into your body to promote balance and wellness. It’s gentle and nurturing, supporting your physical and emotional health—ideal for anyone seeking a moment of tranquility in their busy lives.

Remote Reiki

Not able to join us in person? No problem. Our Remote Reiki sessions bring the calming, restorative power of Reiki directly to you, wherever you are. Perfect for those times when you need support and healing but can’t make it to the clinic.

Distant Healing

Distance is no barrier to healing. With Distant Healing, we focus on sending positive, healing energy your way, no matter where you are. An excellent choice for those needing a bit of upliftment and care from afar.

Corporate Wellbeing Days

Elevate your team’s morale and productivity with our Corporate Wellbeing Days. We offer a suite of services designed to reduce stress, enhance focus, and promote a healthy work-life balance, showing your team you care about their wellbeing.

Crystal Healing

Discover the harmonising power of crystals. Our Crystal Healing sessions use the natural energy of crystals to help realign and rejuvenate your body’s energy flow, leaving you feeling refreshed and balanced—a unique and soothing experience.

Pendulum Chakra Healing

Engage with the energy of your chakras through our Pendulum Chakra Healing sessions. Using a pendulum, we identify and address imbalances in your energy centres, restoring harmony and vitality—a deeply personalised healing experience tailored to your individual needs.